Baby #3 | The Second Trimester
We're in the third trimester! I can't believe how quickly this pregnancy is flying by. I'm 29 weeks and with everything else going on in our lives sometimes I forget I'm even pregnant! I've been feeling a lot better, slowly getting my energy back and haven't felt nauseous in a long time. I'm still craving a lot of carbs and salty foods and am out of breath after walking 5 steps. My tummy is growing at a similar rate to my last pregnancies, but I do feel a bit thicker and wider. Pros to my belly not popping out a ton is that I don't bump into things too often or get back pain, but the con is that it's the same sized baby stuffed into a smaller space so it feels very crowded and uncomfortable, especially after I eat. Overall this pregnancy is going great though and I feel able to do almost everything still.
I am getting SO curious about the gender!! We have finalized our girl and boy names because I hated the last minute decision we had to make with Rosie. I second guessed her name for months after she was born. I'm definitely a planner, so I feel good about knowing the names and being able to say them to myself before hand. Based on how this pregnancy is going I would say I'm having a girl, because it feels basically the same as before, but deep down I feel like it's a boy! Who knows, either way we will be so happy with our 5th family member. Everly's name choices are Unicorn and Rainbow and she's hoping for a sister.
Jason has also been the best husband (despite being gone for half of this trimester). He'll always get me something if I'm craving it, he's been helping so much with the girls, waking up early with them and just helping more with meals. He's also making my crazy deadlines for the new house by working long hours. I appreciate him so much. I can't wait to be in our new house, I can finally nest for the first time!

This pregnancy has been exhausting, even more so than the last two. I'm sure it's because I'm chasing two kids around now, but let me tell you I spend a lot of time sitting on my butt these days. I'm trying not to be too hard on myself if I can't get to the gym as much, but it's hard! I want to be as healthy as I can for myself and this baby. I have heartburn quite a bit in the evenings, especially if I eat anything acidic. I also get really bad restless legs in the evening, so I got some compression socks and I use Jason's stick roller which works wonders. I got the flu this trimester, which is always the worst when you're pregnant. I couldn't get out of bed for 2 days, but luckily Jason was home to help with the girls. Oh my fuse is also SO short. I have no patience with the girls and Jason. My hormones just go crazy when I'm pregnant and if they say or do the wrong thing I just get so frustrated so quickly. I'm really trying to work on that because they deserve a happy gracious mom and wife. I told someone the other day that I honestly think newborn phase is easier than pregnancy because even though you're sleep deprived, I get my personality and energy back! I feel like I can control my emotions and I have so much joy from the new baby.
I feel like I have probably been the worst with my eating this pregnancy. I give in more to cravings, eat late in the evenings and just have been eating foods that usually my body doesn't agree with like bread and dairy. I was definitely feeling it after all of the Easter treats, so I'm trying to be more mindful of what I'm eating and meal prepping so I have healthy choices on hand. I also can't have any unhealthy snacks in the house or I'll eat them all. The hard part is Jason wants them sometimes and I always give in. Chips is for sure a weakness, chocolate and anything with peanut butter. I get really bad heartburn and my tummy just feels so big and uncomfortable for sleeping if I eat too late at night, so I'm really trying to cut that out. I haven't wanted anything too weird or crazy, but I always want to eat a burger and fries. My current obsession is chocolate covered dried strawberries from Costco, thanks to my sis-in-law.
Again, this pregnancy has been my worst for working out. I worked out probably 5 times while Jason was gone in Germany (6.5 weeks) and like 4 times since he's been home. He's been so busy renovating our new house that he isn't around a lot to watch the girls for me to get a workout in, and once he does get home I'm so tired and haven't been making the gym a priority. I have definitely felt a difference. If any of you are wondering how important working out is during your pregnancy I can tell you it is! My belly grew quicker because my muscles started relaxing, my energy was SO low and I had no motivation for anything, my body just felt soft and I didn't feel good in my clothes. I didn't like how I felt when I wasn't working out so my goal is to get back into the gym 3 days a week in my last trimester, which will also make recovery easier. I also want to make sure I am the healthiest I can be for my body to grow this baby! I'm still mostly doing my Fit Girl Gang workouts (click here for 15% off your lifetime membership), except I'm avoiding all direct ab exercises. I've been substituting for the bird dog exercise, walking glute bridge to strengthen my pelvic floor or side plank. I also take more rest between sets so my heart rate doesn't get up too high, but otherwise I can still do everything which has been nice.
I have two pairs of maternity jeans from Thyme Maternity that I had since I was pregnant with Everly. I love them, but they are definitely stretched out. They are just now fitting my bump, but even the legs have lost their elasticity. I got another pair from Boohoo this pregnancy but the tummy part is still too loose, so I think they'll be better in my last month of pregnancy. I do love that they have rips though and the legs fit great! Then I have a few basic tees, and my sis-in-law just gave me a bunch of maternity shirts and dresses that she had and I'm in love! Some non-maternity totally works when you're pregnant, but you get to a point where clothes just start fitting poorly and make you feel uncomfortable in your own skin (at least for me). Getting some good fitting maternity clothes makes a world of a difference and make me want to show off my bump! I also got a dress from Pink Blush Maternity and the material is so soft and it's so flowy and will be so comfortable to wear in my last months of pregnancy, but will also work post partum! Definitely a good investment. For the most part though I live in my Align and Wunder Under Lululemon leggings. They're so comfy and stretch with the bump. I am also loving my new Love and Fit workout pants. They have a sticky waist band so they stay up on your belly and pockets on the legs!