31 Days...
It's been 31 days now living in a hotel. Not that I'm complaining, or counting....but cabin fever? It is alive and well over here. The only thing getting us through is remaining positive and being thankful for everything we have. My husband is currently pursuing his dream, Everly is healthy and happy, we get to try loads of new restaurants, have explored Rochester more than we would have if we didn't need to escape this hotel room and have gotten so close and strong as a little family. Part of keeping our sanity comes from exploring Rochester while it's still nice outside! Here are a few pictures from our outings:

As positive as we try and stay, and as much fun as we try and have - some days I still miss my family, my friends, having a kitchen, my own washer and dryer, making stovetop oatmeal, my clothes and other things we still have packed away in our Uhaul and a sense of normalcy. Would I trade this life for those things? Nope. This is the life we believe God has for us and we can't wait to see where it takes us. We have already met some amazing people here in Rochester, and I know getting connected and making this place feel like home will be easy! There are so many beautiful neighborhoods and trails and waterfalls that I can't wait to explore.
Tonight Jason had a game and one of the girlfriends I met up in Buffalo was there (her boyfriend got sent down to play a game) and it was so nice to see her! Her name is Ashley and she is so sweet and Everly loves her. It was Sweets in the Suites night at the game for Halloween. Basically all the kids dressed up and went trick or treating through the suites at the arena. Such a good idea! This was Everly's first Halloween experience, so naturally we had to dress her up in a ridiculous costume that overtook her little body (thank goodness Ashley was there to help because it was a struggle getting her into this fluffy mess). I wanted her to be a lamb but they didn't have her size, so we opted for the lion (Jason's pick). Turned out to be a success based on all the stares, oohs and ahhs she got from the other fans.
(Excuse the photo quality, turns out my iPhone pictures don't look great when blown up. Maybe Jason will read this and let me get a new one :)).

We changed out of the costume between the second and third period because we were both sweating, she was shedding worse than a real lion and the goal horn was too much for her baby lion ears to handle. It was a real jungle in there. We regrouped, put on the Baby Banz and a onesie and came back strong for the third period.

Game nights aren't the best for her routine because she refuses to sleep while there are exciting things going on around her. The fear of missing out is real for this girl. We pay for it later that night and the next day, but its worth it to support daddy! Tomorrow the boys are on the road so Everly will get back to a normal bedtime.
We still don't have an update on our living situation, so we are making the most out of this hotel life! Fingers and toes crossed we hear something this week.