Hotel Life
Jason left for NY August 26th to start training for the upcoming season. Since there is so much unknown right now, we decided it was best for Everly and I to stay in Winnipeg until Jason had a better idea of what everything would look like. After finishing rookie camp and being a few days into main camp, he decided it was time for Everly and I to join him in Buffalo! I couldn't have been happier for that phone call because we had been apart for 3.5 weeks, during which we had our 3rd wedding anniversary and Everly rolled over and laughed for the first time! Although Jason and I are no strangers to long distance, it never gets any easier being apart.
We spent the next 2.5 weeks at a hotel in Buffalo. The last time we lived in a hotel in Buffalo I was pregnant with Everly, and let me just tell you that it is so much easier to do hotel life with a baby on the inside than on the outside! Lots of you have been asking how I am surviving in a hotel with a baby for that long. Well here is what a typical day looks like:
8am: Everly wakes up and I feed her
8:30am: We head down to the hotel gym (or for a walk outside). This usually only lasts about 20 minutes before she gets sick of laying in her bassinet or doing squats with me :)
9am: Back in the room I put her in her jumperoo and make breakfast, which consists of oatmeal using the tea machine. You gotta be innovative in a hotel! She was pretty temperamental the first week in the hotel, so many mornings I had to make and eat breakfast with one hand while I held her, but not too close to my food because she's starting grabbing for it!
10am: I find somewhere to put Everly where she will remain happy and safe for at least 5 minutes so I can jump in the shower. Then we go for a walk along the waterfront, either in her baby bjorn or stroller
11:30am: We get back to the hotel and I feed her then play with her a bit and do some tummy time
12-1pm: Jason gets back sometime between here and then we go walk or drive somewhere to get me lunch (he ate at the rink)
2pm: We usually get back to the hotel and I feed Everly and then put her down for a nap. Jason and I read or go on our computers all while trying to make zero noise as not to wake her
3-6pm: Everly wakes up and we go for a walk, explore Buffalo, run errands, or go to the mall
6-8pm: We go out for dinner
8:30pm: Feed Everly and put her down
9-11pm: Jason and I hang out in the hotel and then go to bed pretty early (parent life)

Hotel life has its perks (maids), but definitely has its challenges with a baby. For the most part Everly has been a champ. We also have some very generous friends here in Buffalo who have had us over for a few home cooked meals which we SO appreciate. Everly has decided to become a momma’s girl, so she doesn't let other people hold her very often. Hoping she breaks that soon! It has been 20 days in a hotel now (but I mean who is counting), 17 in Buffalo and now 3 in Rochester. Jason finished up main camp with Buffalo and then started camp with the Rochester Americans (Buffalo's AHL affiliate) the next day.
Jason had the day off yesterday so we made a quick trip to Albany to get some of our stuff that we had stored there after leaving college. It is now in a Uhaul awaiting a home! We are now patiently waiting to hear what is next for us, which includes finding a place to live, setting up a nursery for Everly and having my own kitchen again!! I can't wait to update you all on where our new home is!