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Stacey Kasdorf

Rosie's 15-Month Update

Another month has flown by and Rosie is still keeping us on our toes. She's loud, funny, goofy, has a temper and knows what she wants. One of which is babies. Any time there is a baby around, especially her cousin Charlie, she just squeezes them in a big bear hug over and over again. Her and Ev have also become more playful with each other and will roll around on the ground together hugging and kind of wrestling. It's so cute to watch because Rosie is usually laughing uncontrollably. Her hair is also getting longer and straighter and usually is sticking out in all directions. It's so funny, but makes her look like a mess most of the time.

She definitely has a temper on her. If she sees something she wants and you don't give it to her she will just start yelling. Or if she has a toy and Ev takes it away she'll start to scream. She's even started hitting her, so we've gotta work on cooling that temper down! She's basically either really happy or really mad. There's no real middle ground for her. She's definitely going to be my spunky one!

She's become so cuddly and loves walking up and giving people big hugs. It's the sweetest thing ever. She'll also cuddle with me when she wakes up in the morning or after her nap. It's my favorite thing. I also love her and Everly becoming friends and playing together and running around. It's so sweet. I can't wait until she can talk to her!



She LOVES book. Her number one thing is to bring me a book during the day and sit on my lap so I can read it to her. She gets so excited. She'll bring book after book after book. Her favorite is the Hidden Hippo. She also still loves baby dolls, feeding them and hugging them really tight. Also any toy that lights up or makes sounds is her best friend. We have the Fisher Price Beatbelle, Fisher Price xylophone, Fisher Price cell phone, and this Vtech musical rhymes book. She loves playing with all of them and starts dancing when they make noise. It's so sweet. She's definitely going to be musical. I also have a Peppa Pig pool that I filled with balls I bought off of Amazon and Rosie loves rolling around in it. You could also get a traditional ball pit to put them in, basically anything to house the balls a kid will love. She also loves running around and having people chase her. She just giggles and wobbles away as quick as she can. She'll hide around corners and pop her little head around and play peek a boo and hope you'll come running after her. Basically if you're paying attention to her she's happy, like any baby!


She's still sleeping great through the night, but has started waking up so early since Jason left! She used to wake up at 7:30am and now she wakes up at 6-6:30am. I have to go to bed at 9:30pm just so I can function during the day. If we're driving she'll have a short nap around 9/10, and then her long 2 hour nap will be around 12-2. Then she goes down for bed at 7-7:30pm. It's definitely harder to get her down at night now when her and Ev are playing before bed because she doesn't want to miss out on any of the fun. As long as she has her soother though she usually falls asleep no problem.


She eats almost everything, but can be picky some days. She doesn't love tomatoes as much as Ev did, but she LOVES cheese. She would eat an entire block if I let her. She loves eggs, yogurt, oatmeal or toast for breakfast. Then for lunch either noodles, ham, cucumbers and dip, or sauteed veggies, ground beef and marinara sauce. Then for dinner she'll have whatever we are eating in small amounts. She even loves salad as long as it's cut tiny and she likes the dressing! Her snacks are the same - Larabars, Annie's bunnies, veggie straws, oranges, apple slices, cheese strings, yogurt, peanut butter and raisins.

Daily Life

Our mornings feel long because she wakes up so early, so we usually have a bath, have breakfast, read some books, play with her toys and then get out of the house for a play date or to run errands. Then she will have lunch, nap, and then after her nap we usually get out of the house again (for my sanity). Errands, another play date, groceries, the mall play area or a walk outside if it's nice.


She is always so happy. She laughs when anyone runs around with her, she laughs when you play peek-a-boo, she laughs if you tickle her and basically any time you're playing with her. She also laughs really hard in the bath, especially when she's splashing everyone.


She's upset when she's hungry, if I leave her or if she's over tired. She's usually fine once I leave her, but the initial exit isn't pretty. She's totally fine with other people if I'm not around, but if she can see me then she'll always make sure I'm within arms distance. She'll also get really upset if Everly takes a toy she's playing with, which seems to happen often lately.


She got a skin rash this month called Impetigo. It didn't really affect her that much, she just got one spot on her cheek that went away with some antibiotics. She also got one more tooth, so only two more to go! Jason also left for Germany this month and it's the longest he's ever been away from her. Every time he calls she yells DADA and gets so excited. Thank goodness for Face Time!



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